Melton school to host special educational needs drop-in event

The sign outside Birch Wood Area Special School at Melton EMN-191202-122402001The sign outside Birch Wood Area Special School at Melton EMN-191202-122402001
The sign outside Birch Wood Area Special School at Melton EMN-191202-122402001
Parents of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are invited to a drop-in event in Melton later this month about plans to invest £30million in services across the county.

The event, at Birch Wood Area Special School on Wednesday February 27, from 1pm to 3pm, is part of a three-month consultation Leicestershire County Council is holding into its proposals.

Booking isn’t necessary to attend the meeting - which is one of five across the county - and people are welcome to drop-in to the sessions at any point.

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Ivan Ould, cabinet member at County Hall for children and families, said: “These are exciting, ambitious plans which we believe are very much needed.

“These meetings provide a great opportunity to find out more about our plans, speak to our officers and take part in our consultation.”

The proposals include expanding the council’s existing special schools, including Birch Wood, creating up to 15 new SEND ‘units’ or ‘enhanced resource bases’ in mainstream schools, building three new special schools and creating more places in existing enhanced resource bases.

Enhanced resource bases are described as small units with specialist staff where children can benefit from smaller teaching groups and extra help, whilst still having access to the mainstream school for certain activities.

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The consultation is asking for views on how the new provision should look and feel.

In the spring more information will be available on the type and proposed location of the provisions.

The council’s ruling cabinet will consider the responses to the consultation when it meets in the summer.

Deadline for responses is midnight on Sunday, March 31 - anyone interested can apply online at , call 0116 305 7150 or email [email protected] to request a hard copy of the consultation document and questionnaire.