Waterfield Leisure Centre misses out on new government funding

Waterfield Leisure Centre's swimming pool at Melton MowbrayWaterfield Leisure Centre's swimming pool at Melton Mowbray
Waterfield Leisure Centre's swimming pool at Melton Mowbray
Melton’s Waterfield Leisure Centre has missed out on new government funding for swimming pools across England.

More than 100 local authorities were given a share of £20million to help keep them afloat in response to increased operating costs.

Melton Borough Council and Everyone Active – the contractor which manages Waterfield for the authority – did apply for some of the money from the Swimming Pool Support Fund.

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But a spokesperson for the borough council said: "This is a very competitive scheme and, unfortunately, we were unsuccessful in the first round of funding, despite meeting the criteria.

"However, we have submitted another bid, in partnership with Everyone Active, for the second round of funding, which is a capital scheme.

"If successful, the funds would be used to implement a range of measures to reduce energy consumption and the carbon footprint at Waterfield Leisure Centre.

"We will be informed of the outcome of the bid early next year.”