Rotary round-up: Rotary Club of Melton Aurora taking international action in Nepal

The eight laptops purchased for the pupils at the school in Simikot Humla, Nepal PHOTO: SuppliedThe eight laptops purchased for the pupils at the school in Simikot Humla, Nepal PHOTO: Supplied
The eight laptops purchased for the pupils at the school in Simikot Humla, Nepal PHOTO: Supplied
This week, Kathryn Gregory, president of the Rotary Club of Melton Aurora, gives an update on the Nepal HEAD (Himalayan Education and Disability) Project.

The club’s international project is helping partially sighted children to learn and gain life skills.

Kathryn said: “Aurora wanted to make a difference to these children so contact was made and the help needed identified.

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“In November things such as toys, clothes and toiletry items were sent out thanks to donations from Rotary members, friends and Melton’s Toymaster toy shop.

“The Rotary Club of Melton Aurora also purchased eight laptops via a matched grant from the Rotary Foundation, to enable pupils at the school in Simikot Humla, Nepal, to access international educational resources.

“They arrived at the school in April.

“Aurora wish to thank all who have helped with this project.”

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