Police swoop on Asfordby drugs operation

Some of the cannabis plants discovered by police at a property at AsfordbySome of the cannabis plants discovered by police at a property at Asfordby
Some of the cannabis plants discovered by police at a property at Asfordby
Police officers swooped on a drugs operation near Melton Mowbray at the weekend.

They responded after concerning behaviour was reported at a property in Asfordby and launched an investigation into what was found there.

A spokeswoman for Leicestershire Police said: “Officers entered a property on Main Road, Asfordby, around 11.15am on Saturday (22 June) following concerns about suspicious activity within a house.

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"A number of cannabis plants were found inside the property.

"Enquiries are ongoing into the find and no arrests have been made at this time.”

Melton’s neighbourhood policing team also flagged up the operation on their official Facebook page.

Pc Ben Tranter posted: “Great result, especially as they (police officers) had to then take it all down in today's heat in full kit!

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“Drugs is one of the three priorities identified by police and the public on the Rural South beat.”

Anyone with any information is asked to get in touch with police by calling 101 quoting the crime number 24*367286.