Asfordby villagers to collect food for disadvantaged people for Christmas

The Hope Centre in Melton - home to Melton Vineyard Church and the town's Storehouse food bank EMN-201211-123145001The Hope Centre in Melton - home to Melton Vineyard Church and the town's Storehouse food bank EMN-201211-123145001
The Hope Centre in Melton - home to Melton Vineyard Church and the town's Storehouse food bank EMN-201211-123145001
Neighbours in an Asfordby street are collecting food for disadvantaged local people for Christmas and they would like other villagers to contribute too.

The idea came from residents in Marriott Close who plan to deliver the tins and packets collected to Storehouse, the Melton food bank, in time for the festive season.

Each of the nine households in the Close will give three or four items every week, from December 1 through to December 23.

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Anyone who wants to donate food will be able to leave it in a collection tub outside Martin Taylor-Beeby’s home at number 2 when the campaign begins.

Mr Taylor-Beeby told the Melton Times: “This year it has been so hard for lots of people, including me, with the added difficulties people face at Christmas so we thought this would be a good idea to help them.

“We are looking for donations of anything which can be stored, such as tinned foods, pasta, crackers, biscuits, that type of thing.

“The storage tub will be outside my home from December 1 during daylight hours and it will be lovely if the rest of the village could take part as well.”

Storehouse, formerly based at The Fox in Leicester Street, is now at Melton Vineyard Church’s base at The Hope Centre on Nottingham Street.