Melton stages memorial service for Duke of Edinburgh

Rev Kevin Ashby take a memorial service for the Duke of Edinburgh outside Melton's St Mary's Church on Sunday morning EMN-210419-095009001Rev Kevin Ashby take a memorial service for the Duke of Edinburgh outside Melton's St Mary's Church on Sunday morning EMN-210419-095009001
Rev Kevin Ashby take a memorial service for the Duke of Edinburgh outside Melton's St Mary's Church on Sunday morning EMN-210419-095009001
Dozens of people attended a special memorial service yesterday (Sunday) in Melton to remember the life and service of the Duke of Edinburgh.

Team rector, the Rev Kevin Ashby, officiated at the event, which was held in the ‘turnaround’ outside St Mary’s Church, at 10.45am.

The 73 who attended included Mayor of Melton, Councillor Malise Graham MBE, with his wife Pam, and Councillor Pam Posnett, who is chair of Leicestershire County Council and a borough councillor.

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It followed a service inside the church which was held to dedicate the new furnishings and furniture inside the historic building.

This service, which had 80 socially-distanced worshippers present, was streamed online but a problem with the church wi-fi meant it could not be viewed.

Go to if you would like to watch a recording of the event.

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