Melton's Tesco store to hold Olympic-themed fundraiser

Charity news EMN-140723-105644001Charity news EMN-140723-105644001
Charity news EMN-140723-105644001
Melton's Tesco store is holding an Olympics-inspired '˜Rio de Tesco' fundraiser on Friday and Saturday in aid of Diabetes UK and the British Heart Foundation (BHF).

Colleagues at the Thorpe Road store will raise funds by competing in different fundraising activities to win points. The winner will receive the hypothetical accolade of being crowned the store’s carnival king or queen.

Customers can expect to see hula hooping, an egg and spoon race and raffles taking place in the store over both days. They’re also being asked to dig deep to show their support for the national charity partnership between

Diabetes UK, the BHF and Tesco.

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Through the partnership, Tesco is working with Diabetes UK and the BHF to tackle two of the UK’s biggest health issues – type two diabetes and heart and circulatory disease.

Melton Tesco trade manager Sarfraz Kasimi said: “Rio de Tesco is a great way for us to get involved in the spirit of current world events and the health message associated, while also raising crucial funds for our national charity partnership.

“I’d encourage customers who are at the store on Friday and Saturday to get involved and support us as we showcase our sporty, carnival sides! I hope customers will embrace our fundraising fun.”