Kind-hearted customers and colleagues at Melton's Sainsbury's store help raise £5,067 for Rainbows Children's Hospice

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Kind-hearted customers and colleagues at Melton's Sainsbury's store have raised over £5,000 in support of Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People.

The Nottingham Road supermarket has supported Rainbows since July 2015 when the hospice was chosen as the store’s charity of the year after a customer vote.

Since then funds have been raised through raffles, tombolas and a book stall and one of the Melton store colleagues even took part in a skydive raising over £700.

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The £5,067 raised will be used towards the daily running costs of the hospice which provides specialist respite, palliative and end of life care to children and young people with life limiting or life-threatening conditions and support to their families and friends.

Jess Dixon, from Rainbows Children’s Hospice, said: “We’re very touched by the generosity of Sainsbury’s Melton Mowbray colleagues and customers. The money they’ve raised has really made a difference to us and we look forward to future fundraising events.”

Store manager Paul Spence added: “It’s been fantastic to see the way everyone’s pulled together since we started working with Rainbows. We’ve enjoyed coming up with ways to support and volunteer for this very worthy cause and it’s great to think that we’re making a positive difference to so many people.”