Police investigate report of car being shot at near Melton

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Police are investigating after reports that a car was shot at while it was being driven along the A606 near Melton.

The incident was believed to have taken place around 11.30 on Saturday night.

The vehicle was hit just below the driver’s window, it is understood, and the position of impact and the damage to the vehicle is believed to have ruled out any possibility of a stone being responsible.

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A spokesperson for Leicestershire Police told the Melton Times: “Yesterday morning (Sunday) we received a report that a car may have been possibly shot at while driving on the A606 between Oakham and Melton.

“The incident was reported to have happened late on Saturday evening.

“No-one was injured and enquiries into the incident are ongoing.”

If this was your car which was involved in the incident please email [email protected] with further details or call on 01664 503639.