20,000 Melton people targeted for Covid-19 testing after spike in cases

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Around 20,000 people in the north and west parts of Melton will be targeted for Covid-19 testing over the next week as part of a campaign to dampen down a rise in new cases in the town.

New data revealed today (Tuesday) shows there were 32 people who tested positive in the fortnight to Saturday compared to just 10 in the two-week period before that.

Of those 32, 14 cases were people living in the west of the town and 11 in the north of Melton - these were the higest figures recorded for any areas of Leicestershire during that fortnight, with Oadby North and East (also 14) where a localised lockdown was recently imposed.

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A mobile testing centre will be set up close to the Melton Borough Council offices in Parkside for a month from Thursday where people who have symptoms are being told to get a test.

Mike Sandys, director of public health for Leicestershire, said at a briefing today that there were no immediate plans to lockdown Melton in the same way that the Leicester area was subject to but he emphasised that action did need to be taken now to stop further spread.

Mr Sandys said: “We’ve seen an increase recently and although numbers are fairly small, we need people to play their part and drive down rates.

“This increased testing in selected parts of the borough is targeted because these are areas where we’re seeing the highest number of cases in the community – and we’re working closely with the borough council and GPs to help get the message out.

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“They key to getting this under control is in all of our hands – and testing is how we will avoid the need for local restrictions.

“If you have symptoms, you must book a test. To protect yourself and others, keep two metres apart, wash your hands and always wear a face covering in confined spaces.”

Joe Orson, the borough council leader, said: “It is disappointing to see an increase in cases in Melton, but we are thankful that we have the data to guide us in our action to limit the spread of the virus and prevent increased restrictions being imposed upon the borough.

“We all have a role to play in keeping ourselves, our friends, families and communities safe from this virus and we are proactively working with partners to prevent the situation from worsening.

“We’re urging everyone to be diligent and play their part.

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“It is vital that everyone follows the government guidance in order to stay safe and get tested if you have any symptoms.

“By following these rules at all times we can push these numbers back down.”

Over the next week, just under 20,000 people in the north and west parts of the town will receive a leaflet, and a text from their GP, telling them to get tested if they have symptoms.

Latest data for the borough shows that although the number of cases is still relatively small, the rate means it is in the top 10 areas in the country. Figures show that there have been 32 cases in the last fortnight – at a rate per 100,000 of 37.2, which is significantly higher than the national average of 8.8 per 100,000 people.

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Nick Rushton, Leader of Leicestershire County Council, said: “Testing flushes out cases - helping to stop the spread and bring down infection rates.

“We know that worked successfully in Oadby and Wigston which was in lockdown before an intensive testing programme was introduced.

“This remains the biggest health crisis in living memory and we need everyone to pull together and play their part. I can’t emphasise it enough.

“That’s how we can save lives and livelihoods.”

Residents who are being urged to get tested will receive a text from their GP and a leaflet telling them how to do this.

You can book a test at the mobile testing site at Parkside via the NHS website – www.nhs.uk/ask-for-a-coronavirus-test - or call 119.