Melton to host drive-in harvest festival for young farmers

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Latest cattle market news EMN-201021-132811001
A special drive-in harvest festival will be staged for young farmers at Melton Livestock Market on Tuesday evening with a focus on keeping people safe from coronavirus.

A combine harvester flanked by two tractors, on loan from RES Tractors, will serve as the altar and attendees will be able to get refreshments from a drive-through snack bar on entry.

The service, which is organised by the Leicestershire Federation of Young Farmers Clubs, will be broadcast live by local community radio station 103 The Eye, so members can listen in from the comfort of their own cars and to maintain social distancing.

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County chair Elizabeth Charles said: “We’ve all found the last seven months very challenging, especially those of us who are in areas of rural isolation.

“We are absolutely thrilled to be able to offer our members this Covid-secure event where they can interact with each other whilst observing current regulations and keeping friends and family safe.”

The special harvest festival event begins at 7.30pm.

A collection of local produce will be taken on the night to donate to Melton’s food bank project, Storehouse.

Throughout lockdown the county federation has continued to offer virtual meetings and competitions for its 500 rural young people from across Leicestershire to stay engaged with them.

Email [email protected] or call 01664 434532 to find out more about the LFYFC drive-in harvest festival.