Villagers thank couple who ran Stathern butcher’s shop for 46 years

David and Jean Cox with the bouquet they were presented with after retiring from running the butcher's shop at Stathern for 46 years
PHOTO MARTIN FAGAN EMN-201003-132559001David and Jean Cox with the bouquet they were presented with after retiring from running the butcher's shop at Stathern for 46 years
PHOTO MARTIN FAGAN EMN-201003-132559001
David and Jean Cox with the bouquet they were presented with after retiring from running the butcher's shop at Stathern for 46 years PHOTO MARTIN FAGAN EMN-201003-132559001
Dozens of Stathern villagers turned out on Saturday as a couple closed the butcher’s shop they have run for nearly half-a-century.

David and Jean Cox have decided to retire but will continue to live at the premises in Main Street.

As they closed up for the final time at 12.30pm, the couple were presented with a large bouquet from Sophie’s Flowers and a gift, while Stathern Women’s Institute gave them a plant and a bottle of Champagne.

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David estimates he has rolled out more than two million of his award-winning sausages during his working life there.

WI member Bridget Green said: “Around 70 locals turned up outside the shop to wish them well and to thank them both for how supportive they have always been to the local community and especially when providing discounted products, usually the infamous David Cox’s Sausages, to local groups and events.”